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Timkas Limited

Gloria House, Office 203,
3 Kinyras Street 8011, Paphos, Cyprus


Telephone: + 357 26 948876

Fax: + 357 26 948856




The Partners


Doros Kasinopoullos

Doros Kasinopoullos studied Economics and accounting at City University, London and qualified with Charles & Co Chartered Accountants as a Chartered Accountant in London. He returned to Cyprus from London in 1991 and was immediately employed by a firm of Certified Public Accountants as head of their Pafos office. One year later he formed his own professional practice. His main areas of interest are audit, international tax planning,VAT,   general practice and company liquidations/reorganisations . Doros Kassinopoullos is a registered auditor in Cyprus.

Loizos Timinis

Loizos Timinis studied Economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science and qualified with BSG Valentine Chartered Accountants as a Chartered Accountant in London. In the period 1991 to 1993 he was employed by a business studies college in Nicosia as a lecturer. Main areas of interest comprise tax and international tax planning, value added tax and business development.

© 2013 by Kassinopoullos

Charalambou Mouskou 20
Office 103, Paphos 8010, Cyprus
Telephone: + 357 26 948876
Fax: + 357 26 948856
Mob:+ 357 99 585000



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