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TIMKAS Chartered Accountants LTD. Auditing


- Statutory Audits constitute the main professional services provided by TIMKAS LTD. Our aim is not only to express an opinion on the accounts but also to provide constructive recommendations for improving  internal controls where necessary.
- Special Investigations are carried out upon request in cases where the client wishes to evaluate his business.

We offer all-round services to companies and individuals that are relocating to Cyprus or do business through or in Cyprus:


We have a good command of international taxation practices and we have the  resources to provide tailor made solutions based on the specific requirements and needs of each client.
We specialise in all areas of taxation, such as Income Tax, Corporation Tax, Capital Gains Tax and Value Added Tax for both local and international business entities.
  - Preparation and submission of tax returns for companies and individuals
  - Tax advice and planning in all matters of taxation such as Income Tax, Corporation Tax, Capital Gains Tax and Value Added Tax for both local and international business entities
   - Preparation of Capital Statements and handling back duty investigations.
   - International taxation advice including  taxation of international trusts.

TIMKAS Chartered Accountants LTD. Taxation
TIMKAS Chartered Accountants. Corporate Services

Corporate Services

Incorporation and administration of Companies in Cyprus
- Registration of companies,  and branches through our associates (Registration Questionnaire)
- Provision of administration services to such companies as detailed below

Nominee services
We provide nominee Directors / Shareholders / Secretary and Registered Office
Banking Services
 - Opening of Bank Accounts for individuals and Companies
 - Administration of Bank Account
 - Provision of Merchant accounts.

Accounting Services
 - Maintaining of books and records
 - Preparation and submission of V.A.T. returns forms
 - Preparation of various reports for management purposes
 - Undertaking, on behalf of clients, the payment of VAT, Income Tax and  - Social Insurance.
 - Budgeting
 - Preparation of financial statements.
 - Registrations with VAT, income tax and social insurance.
 - Obtaining tax certificates

Practice Areas

TIMKAS Chartered Accountants LTD. Consulting


Experts will assist you in carrying out the following:
- Preparation of Feasibility Studies for projects both in Cyprus and overseas
- Preparation of business plans and assistance in raising finance with local banks.
- Company Valuations.
- Due diligence engagements.
- Computer services including advice and assistance in designing, installing and implementing computerised accounting systems
- Assistance with setting up websites through our expert associates

© 2013 by Kassinopoullos

Charalambou Mouskou 20
Office 103, Paphos 8010, Cyprus
Telephone: + 357 26 948876
Fax: + 357 26 948856
Mob:+ 357 99 585000



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